The Biggest Weirdo: Second Round Results

A key question looming over The Biggest Weirdo is whether being a weirdo is bad or good. Within our original bracket, there were clear cases for each: Steve Irwin? Great weirdo. Armie Hammer? Not so much.

There’s also the matter of when the weirdo part is the good or the bad part, versus when it exists independently. Dennis Rodman has done great stuff and bad stuff and his weirdo nature has been involved in each, but the weirdo transcends the rest of the man. Mark Zuckerberg wouldn’t have done what he’s done without being a weirdo, but the weirdo part can also exist in its own silo, separate from his work. Mahatma Gandhi? Both the good and the bad stuff he’s done has been weird, but the stuff defines him more than the fact that he, as a guy, was weird.

So, as the bracket continues on, with the current plan to run Round of 16 voting tomorrow, let us reflect on the enigmatic nature of enigmas: Sometimes, the weird is good. Sometimes, the weird is bad. Sometimes, the weird is just weird.

You can find full second round results here. Here’s the bracket, as it stands:

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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