College Sports Need More Wood

A friend sent us this wonderful piece by ESPN today about the Kibbie Dome (thanks, Derek!), and I now know that the Kibbie Dome is made of wood! Wow. I always assumed it was just a ton of concrete, I guess. Maybe some corrugated metal up top. They didn’t show you the roof in NCAA Football 08 on the PS2.

Another fun detail? Evidently Idaho’s been using the Kibbie Dome for basketball this whole time too. Under a different name. Hilarious move. New arena this year, though. Made of wood, too:

I like this. I like wooden arenas. We have the Kibbie Dome:

We have the Superior Dome (also called the Yooper Dome):

We need more. We need more wood in college football and basketball. I mean, look at this court:

Think about it, all you college athletic directors who read this blog.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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