An Introduction to Alan Pace

Burnley’s sale to ALK Capital went through, and the Clarets have a new chairman. His name is Alan Page.

Alan Page is an American, so as an American Burnley blogger, oh crap.

His name is Alan Pace.

I’ve been struggling with this all morning.

Let’s start again.


Burnley’s sale to ALK Capital went through, and the Clarets have a new chairman. His name is Alan Pace.

Alan Pace is an American, so as an American Burnley blogger, I believe it is my duty to introduce the Burnley world to my countryman. Here are the facts.

Alan Pace is not named Alan Page.

Alan Page was a football player (American football, sorry) who went on to become a justice on Minnesota’s Supreme Court.

Alan Page is not Allen Pinkett.

Both played for Notre Dame, but Page is not, and this is important, Page is not the guy who said, in 2012:

“I’ve always felt like, to have a successful team, you gotta have a few bad citizens on the team.”

“I mean, that’s how Ohio State used to win all the time. They would have two or three guys that were criminals. That just ads to the chemistry of the team. I think Notre Dame is growing because maybe they have some guys that are doing something worthy of a suspension, which creates edge on the football team. You can’t have a football team full of choir boys. You get your butt kicked if you have a team full of choir boys. You gotta have a little bit of edge, but the coach has to be the dictator and ultimate ruler.”

“I don’t want any mass murders or rapists. I want guys that maybe get caught drinking that are underage, or guys that maybe got arrested because they got in a fight at a bar, or guys that are willing to cuss in public and don’t mind the repercussions of it. That’s the type of criminal I’m talking about.”

“I absolutely meant that. Chemistry is so important on a football team. You have to have a couple of bad guys that sorta teeter on that edge to add to the flavor of the guys that are going to always do right. … You look at the teams that have one in the past. They always have a couple of criminals.”

Again, Alan Page is not Allen Pinkett, and neither is Alan Pace, and I don’t know if Alan Pace is comfortable cussing in public.

Alan Pace is not Allen Pace.

Allen Pace III was the mastermind behind the Dunbar Armored robbery, the largest cash robbery in U.S. history. Almost got away with it, too. But no, different Alan Pace.

Alan Pace isn’t from Utah.

Buying Burnley does seem like something a Utah mogul would do, but as far as we know, Alan Pace is from England, and is just a dual citizen.


I read that wrong. Alan Pace’s dad lived in England. I don’t know where Alan Pace grew up. Looks like he’s spent a lot of time in Utah, though.

I’m reading this from a Lancashire site.

Yeah, this is Lancs Live. I’m going to stop. You all have this covered already. Here’s Chris Boden’s profile on the ALK Capital guys. One of them’s named Stuart. Looks like Pace grew up in California. Still no word on how comfortable he is with cussing, though.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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