“You’re a Grand Old Flag” Is a Bop

Flag Day doesn’t get enough love, which is to say that the boppest of bops, You’re a Grand Old Flag, doesn’t get enough love. I mean, listen to this thing:

Just a jam. Things you can do with it include:

  • Insert clapping, beginning with two claps each in the aftermath of “emblem of…” and “land I love…”, escalating to four claps in the aftermath of “and the brave…”, and you know what, I should really just post a video of the proper clapping for this song sometime. Maybe put together sheet music. It’s important to get it right.
  • Put it on full blast in the morning when everyone’s hungover at a bachelor party and hide your phone so it’s hard for anyone to change it.
  • Try to start a parade through an office while singing it.
  • Try to start a parade through your city’s streets while singing it.
  • Ask people when the last time was they started a parade while singing “You’re a Grand Old Flag” when they try to brag about their love for the flag (then point out that the song specifically mentions not bragging, then walk away shaking your head).
  • Request it at a wedding reception.
  • Put it on a mix CD for your crush.
  • Learn the verses. Never sing them, but learn them anyway.
  • Sing the descant at the end of the penultimate line.
  • Earnestly mention the song’s Civil War roots when someone acts as though you’re being disingenuous.
  • Brand your cattle with the song’s lyrics (so hard for them to get stolen this way).

Happy Flag Day to all of you. But most of all, to the flag.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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