Why’s It Always on Cows to Stop Global Warming?

Search “cows global warming” and Google will give you 3.75 million results. And while I haven’t read through all of those yet, a lot of them seem to say, “Global warming is the fault of the cows.” To which I say, bullshit (which, coincidentally, is the solid equivalent of one of the things they’re talking about).

It’s not the cows’ fault. They’re just being cows. Eating grass, mooing, lookin’ all cute. They aren’t trying to heat up the world.

And if they were, who could blame them? Ain’t no cow like a cozy cow, and it’d make the swimming holes in the summer that much more fun. Cows don’t live on the beach, and it’s not like you ever take them to the beach, so what do they care if Florida sinks into the sea? Maybe you’d come and visit them more that way!

So lay off the cows, people. And maybe think about their point of view for a change.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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