Where Are the Pants?

They unveiled the Field of Dreams uniforms today for next week’s showdown between the present-day Yankees and the present-day White Sox, and either my googling and twittering is inept or they didn’t show us the pants (or both, I guess).

What in the heck.

The pants are an important part of the uniform, and crucially, they also give us a hint about the socks, which are arguably the most important part of the uniform. (Will they all be worn high? Will the players have to tuck the pants into the socks to make them easier to wear high? The people need to know.)

There is, of course, the possibility this is about to get freaky and the players aren’t going to wear pants, which would both be amazing (let’s see who slides now, tough guys) and uncomfortable (there is a headline for this that I will not be the one to write). For all we know, that’s what’s happening. Or they’re wearing jeans. Or they’re wearing the skirts from A League of Their Own. We don’t know. We cannot know. They will not show us the pants.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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