When Will Our Cars Not Need Oil Changes?

When something minor pisses me off, I usually blog about it. Not sure why I do that. I wonder if it’s an instinct thing. Maybe I had blogger ancestors who needed to do this to survive in the wild. Anyway, got rejected from two Jiffy Lubes yesterday (each was closing early due to not having enough tech’s on-site), and as you might imagine, this upset me, especially because I started by doing the thing where you drive to the Jiffy Lube in the nice neighborhood because the waiting rooms are nicer and I ended up re-routed all the way around the Mopac/71/35 loop back to the Jiffy Lube closest to our apartment (where the waiting room was hot and uncomfortable, but they did change my oil so I’ll always have gratitude towards them even though changing oil in exchange for money is a pretty basic expectation of an oil change place—also, they didn’t rotate my tires but their reason checked out, something’s up with a couple of my lugnuts).

The question I have, coming out of this, is when we’re going to have cars that don’t need oil changes and tire rotations and other servicing? That stuff’s always a pain. Always! Unless you learn how to do it yourself, I guess, but I don’t have my own garage. I’m parking on the street. You change your oil and rotate your own tires on the street and you get asked if you’re stealing parts. Do the electric cars not need servicing? I doubt that. Especially because they have tires. Tires, sneakily, require a lot of service. You wouldn’t think it, but they do (also fun joke if you’re at a tire place [which also happened this week, evidently “sidewall bulges” are bad] ask the guy taking your old tire if he’s going to start a bonfire with it, then wink when he says no).

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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