What’s Flavor Flav Been Up To?

In these times, a nation ponders:

What’s Flavor Flav been up to?

Since sharing the court with Flavor Flav at the 2018 NIT Championship, I haven’t thought much about the professional hype man/reality television star, except when telling people I shared the court with Flavor Flav at the 2018 NIT Championship.

To see his Twitter tell the tale, Flavor Flav has been mourning. Besides retweeting photos of himself with Louise Linton and her husband, Steve Mnuchin, (I don’t know the full story here, but evidently Flavor Flav knows how to hold power over a guy, as while he told Mnuchin he’d post them, he then whispered to his friend, “I didn’t say when.”) Flav has mostly been lamenting celebrity deaths (and wishing one of his friends happy birthday in a photo he may have forgotten to rotate):


But if you’re afraid that’s all Flavor Flav’s been doing, don’t panic. According to Instagram (inherently a more celebratory and less mournful platform), Flavor Flav has made time to visit the Wahlbergs’ restaurant in Las Vegas, and to pose there with some cardboard cutouts (I’m glad Flav included the clock—it’s kind of like a watermark, proving the authenticity):

Father Time rolls on.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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