What Would Happen if Russia Burned Down Siberia?

I would like to make clear that I do not want Russia to do this. I do not think Russia should do this. I think it is in everybody’s best longterm interests if Russia does not do this. But just now, putting a frozen pizza in the oven for lunch (I got the Banza one like the skinny betch I’m not), the thought occurred to me:

Russia wants more global warming, because they control more than half the Arctic Ocean’s coastline, meaning they and they alone would benefit from viable shipping in the world’s most frozen body of salt water.

Forest fires are hot.

Forest fires at least temporarily (in the big scheme of things) reduce the number of trees around.

Trees absorb CO2.

Siberia has a lot of forest.

Siberia does not have a lot of people, and it has even fewer people whose lives Vladimir Putin values. (This last part is an inference.)

What if Russia burned down Siberia? Burned the whole thing. Lit it on fire and stoked that fire and let all of Siberia burn to the ground. How bad would that be? How good would that seem to Putin? Would other countries go to war to try to dump water on Siberia? Would it turn into the world’s largest squirt gun fight?? What if Canada responded by trying to plant more of their own trees, as quickly as possible, to replace the trees lost in the big fire in Siberia? Did you guys know Will Arnett’s Canadian? I watched a clip once where he talks about planting trees. He made it sound like a normal Canadian job. I’m starting to suspect that Canada is a cottage industry.

Anyway, just putting this on the CIA’s radar. Russia might want to burn down Siberia, and it might be in our best interests to stop them. Just throwing it out there. I’m certainly not equipped to do anything about it.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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