What MLB Can Learn From Thanksgiving Football

Hello. It’s me, Stu. I have an idea!

What if Major League Baseball tried to make the Fourth of July a baseball holiday the same way Thanksgiving is a football holiday? Personally, I don’t think they could pull it off. But if they did, it’d be great! Lot of wiffleball games, some big rivalries played on the Fourth every year. Maybe it could even bring back radio, since everyone’s outside on the Fourth of July and not watching TV. Or it could just make outdoor TV’s more popular. Hopefully radio, but, you know.

I don’t think Christmas is about the NBA, by the way. Just gonna drop that here to get us over 100 words. I mean it, though. Christmas is about Santa Claus. Thanksgiving is about football.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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