What If Bees Meowed?

Just imagined bees saying “meow” and it sounds terrible because there are so many of them but cats constantly buzzing sounds hilarious so let’s do some other animal noise trades:

  • If ambulances snorted and pigs made a siren noise.
  • If tigers quacked and ducks roared.
  • If donkeys barked and dogs said, “hee-haw.”
  • If roosters said, “baa,” and goats crowed.
  • If chickens mooed and cows clucked.
  • Wow a lot of the animal noises we think of come from farms.
  • If frogs hooted and owls said, “ribbit.”
NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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