What Do F1 Fans Think of Rush? (The Movie, Not the Band)

Was thinking about the movie Rush recently. Saw it back in the fall of 2013. Was unusual. Not the movie. Was unusual that I saw a movie. I often don’t see movies. Instead, if I hear a lot of references to a particular movie, I’ll go read the synopsis on IMDB so I know what’s going on if people are talking about it. Unless it’s a movie I really want to see. In that case, I still probably won’t see it, but I won’t read the synopsis just in case I one day do see it. I’m aware that this is odd behavior.

Anyway, I liked Rush when I saw it. I thought it was a great movie. I like most movies I see, though, and again, I don’t see that many. I checked Rotten Tomatoes, and it seems to view the movie positively, if scores in the high 80’s are positive (and again, I really wouldn’t be the one to know), so I do feel like I probably viewed Rush comparably to most who saw it. But now I’m wondering:

What does the F1 world think of Rush? Does it like it? How big a deal are James Hunt and Niki Lauda in the sport’s history? If I start dropping references to each in F1 blog posts, would that be good? What if I dropped references to them and absolutely no other historic drivers?

Answer my questions, F1 world. My curiosity is piqued.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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One thought on “What Do F1 Fans Think of Rush? (The Movie, Not the Band)

  1. Needed one or two more bears. I lost interest about 75min in, when I realized there wasn’t going to be more bears.

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