We’ve All Been There: Embarrassing Mask Mistakes to Avoid

We’ve all been wearing them. Well, most of us. But all of us have experienced these embarrassing mask moments:

Putting On the Mask Upside-Down

Whoops! Guess I don’t know what a mask is shaped like. My bad, guys.

Trying to Take Off the Mask and Having It Snap Back and Hit You in the Face

Youch! And now the driver next to you’s laughing!

Getting the Wrong Size Mask

Great, now I look like I put my head in the dryer instead of airing it out on the line.

Getting the Wrong Size Mask the Other Way

Great, now I look like I hooked my head up to an air compressor again.

Forgetting to Take Off the Mask Before Drinking Water

Now both me and the mask are soaked. Ugh.

Forgetting to Take Off the Mask Before Drinking V8

V8 is a healthy part of anyone’s diet and a quick way for busy folks like me to make sure they get two easy servings of vegetables. But it’ll really stain your shorts. And your mask.

Putting On the Mask but Forgetting to Put On Clothes

Whoops, I’m naked! Thank goodness my face is at least covered.

Putting On the Mask but Doing It Instead of Clothes

Oh, great. Now I’ve put my mask on my bathing suit parts. Everyone can see my butt, and what am I supposed to do with the mask? Put bathing suit part juice on my face?

Wearing the Mask a Little Too Loosely and Having It Catch the Wind and Carry You Up Like a Kite

Flying’s scary when it’s unintentional. And painful when it stops.

Wearing the Same Mask as the Cashier at the Grocery Store

Now this is embarrassing.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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