We Will Not Be Unionizing At This Time

When it comes to looking back at the Civil War, we here at The Barking Crow support the Union.

Despite this, we will not be unionizing ourselves.

There was a lot of buzz today about blogs (websites? what’s the preferred term here?) unionizing after our colleagues at The Ringer announced the creation of their union.

But as for us, we are not preparing for a Civil War.

This is not to disparage those who are. If you are a website trying to eradicate evil within yourself, yes, you should dress in those blue uniforms with shiny gold buttons and go invade the South. You should hold off the Grays at Gettysburg, lay siege to Vicksburg, and pursue the Confederate president until you can capture him at Irwinville and hold him accountable for his wrongs. If you must, you may impose martial law upon the state of Maryland, sacrifice 110,000 of your own to the cause of freedom, and consider a devastating march from Atlanta to Savannah that harms the livelihoods of civilians in an effort to bring a more swift end to the conflict (this last part should only be done after fully weighing the horror such an event would cause).

We have no evils to uproot here. The The Barking Crow Twitter account has been picking on me lately, but we’ll handle that without sending supplies to Fort Sumter with the knowledge that doing so will ignite war. But in case this could be misunderstood, let me state the following plainly: We know some out there believe they have just cause to begin this battle, and we don’t know their situations well enough to cast judgment one way or the other. In the end, we hope all parties receive what is fair.

We simply hope Abe Lincoln doesn’t get shot again over all this.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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