Vibes in the World of Animals: First Round Voting, Part Two

Are you enjoying the vibes? The animalistic vibes? The vibes of the wild but also of perhaps your own home?

To be completely honest, we didn’t really think through how it would look if we said, “Hey! Come vote on which animals have the best vibes!” and then immediately made you choose between four-legged and three-legged dogs. On, as my cousin Katie pointed out, a Monday morning. Leading with that was aggressive. That said, we were not the ones who nominated three-legged dogs, and by the looks of your votes, their vibes are not as strong as those of their quadruped brethren. So, make of it all what you will.

Full results from yesterday’s voting below. First, though, here’s the rest of first round voting. As always, three ways to vote. As always be cool (don’t spam the voting, please).

This Google Form (be cool):

Our Instagram stories:

This Twitter thread:

Voting will last until roughly 3:00 PM EDT tomorrow (Wednesday). Second round voting is scheduled to begin Thursday morning. Here are yesterday’s results:

Four-Legged Dog 36, Three-Legged Dog 20

Instagram: 27-14
Twitter: 4-3
Google Form: 5-3

Cat 34, Chinchilla 27

I: 25-21
T: 4-3
G: 5-3

Hedgehog 39, Goldfish 22

I: 32-14
T: 3-4
G: 4-4

Llama 43, Horse 19

I: 32-15
T: 4-3
G: 7-1

Sheep 42, Goat 21

I: 28-20
T: 7-0
G: 7-1

Yak 32, Donkey 30

I: 23-24
T: 5-2
G: 4-4

Camel 40, Water Buffalo 23

I: 28-20
T: 6-1
G: 6-2

Cow 48, Pig 16

I: 36-12
T: 6-2
G: 6-2

Koala 41, Kangaroo 23

I: 32-16
T: 4-4
G: 5-3

Wombat 33, Quokka 29

I: 26-21
T: 4-3
G: 3-5

Platypus 37, Kookaburra 26

I: 31-17
T: 3-4
G: 3-5

Bandicoot 35, Tasmanian Devil 23

I: 27-16
T: 4-4
G: 4-3

Dolphin 43, Blue Whale 19

I: 32-14
T: 6-2
G: 5-3

Octopus 45, Stingray 17

I: 31-15
T: 6-2
G: 8-0

Orca 31, Whale Shark 30

I: 25-20
T: 2-6
G: 4-4

Coral 45, Mantis Shrimp 15

I: 33-12
T: 6-1
G: 6-2

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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