Two More Brackets, Coming Right Up

We’re still operating with the gameplan that we’ll keep doing brackets until college sports resume, even as we dive into “coverage” of the MLB season this week. At some point, we may call it quits on brackets for the year and start them up next spring or summer (our long-term thought is that these should fill the void between college basketball and college football on this site), or we may start intermittently hitting the on and off switch, but for now, we’re going to at least do two more.

And those two are…

*drum roll*

Animals You Do *Not* Want in Your House Bracket (#OutdoorOnlyAnimalsBracket)


Tournament of Places that Start with the Letter ‘H’ (#TournamentOfHPlaces)

Are you excited?

Ok, well are you at least mildly excited?

Hmm. Well maybe you’ll at least vote when you see our Instagram story?

Nice. We’ll take it.

We’ll take submissions for these, but make them quick, especially for the Animals You Do *Not* Want in Your House Bracket, because we might unveil the field for that tomorrow. Here’s a Google Form where you can submit:

See you soon.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
Posts created 3909

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