Sixteen remain. You’ve whittled. You’ve winnowed. You’ve watched. Now, you vote once more, deciding which eight will compete for a spot among the four commercials competing for a spot among the two commercials competing to be the Tournament of Commercials Champion. It is your time. You seize it.
If you’re looking to watch these commercials, as well as those that have been voted out, here’s a link to all 64 contestants.

Round of 16 voting will continue until about 5:30 PM EDT tomorrow—Wednesday.
As always, three ways to vote.
This Google Form:
Our Instagram story:
This Twitter thread:
Twitter thread coming shortly, and so are the Instagram stories.
Now, detailed results from the Second Round:
Thanks, Mean Joe – Coca-Cola defeats Eat Mor Chikin: Stayin’ Alive – Chick-Fil-A, 19-12
Instagram: Mean Joe 14, Mor Chikin 11
Twitter: Mean Joe 11, Mor Chikin 1
Google Form: Mean Joe 1, Mor Chikin 0
Messin’ with Sasquatch: Whoopie Cushion – Jack Link’s defeats Great Taste, Less Filling: Dangerfield Softball – Miller Lite, 25-7
Instagram: Sasquatch Farts 21, Dangerfield Softball 5
Twitter: Sasquatch Farts 3, Dangerfield Softball 2
Google Form: Sasquatch Farts 1, Dangerfield Softball 0
The Most Interesting Man in the World: Bear Trap et al. – Dos Equis defeats Billy Mays – OxiClean, 19-14
Instagram: Most Interesting Man 14, Billy Mays 11
Twitter: Most Interesting Man 4, Billy Mays 3
Google Form: Most Interesting Man 1, Billy Mays 0
McConaughey: Back to Move Forward – Lincoln defeats The Man Your Man Could Smell Like: Questions – Old Spice, 19-14
Instagram: McConaughey 16, Old Spice 10
Twitter: McConaughey 3, Old Spice 3
Google Form: Old Spice 1, McConaughey 0
My Bologna Has a First Name – Oscar Mayer defeats Like a Girl – Always, 19-10
Instagram: Bologna 16, Like a Girl 7
Twitter: Bologna 3, Like a Girl 2
Google Form: Like a Girl 1, Bologna 0
This is SportsCenter: Elevator – ESPN defeats Five Dollar Footlong: Subway, 22-10
Instagram: SportsCenter 17, Subway 9
Twitter: SportsCenter 4, Subway 1
Google Form: SportsCenter 1, Subway 0
Ship My Pants: Kmart defeats The Land of Sky Blue Waters: Hamm’s Beer, 18-9
Instagram: Ship My Pants 14, Sky Blue Waters 7
Twitter: Ship My Pants 3, Sky Blue Waters 2
Google Form: Ship My Pants 1, Sky Blue Waters 0
Tape a Cheetah to Her Back – AT&T defeats Real Men of Genius: Footlong Hot Dog – Bud Light, 16-14
Instagram: Real Men of Genius 12, Tape a Cheetah to Her Back 11
Twitter: Tape a Cheetah to Her Back 4, Real Men of Genius 2
Google Form: Tape a Cheetah to Her Back 1, Real Men of Genius 0
Cavemen Apology – Geico defeats Escape of the Bunny – Energizer, 25-5
Instagram: Cavemen Apology 21, Escape of the Bunny 3
Twitter: Cavemen Apology 3, Escape of the Bunny 2
Google Form: Cavemen Apology 1, Escape of the Bunny 0
Puppy Love – Budweiser defeats iPhone Christmas Movie – Apple, 21-5
Instagram: Puppy Love 18, iPhone Christmas 7
Twitter: iPhone Christmas 4, Puppy Love 1
Google Form: iPhone Christmas 1, Puppy Love 0
Terry Tate, Office Linebacker: Hey Janice – Reebok defeats Elton John Christmas, 17-11
Instagram: Terry Tate 15, Elton John 7
Twitter: Elton John 3, Terry Tate 2
Google Form: Elton John 1, Terry Tate 0
Got Milk? Who Shot Hamilton – California Milk Processor Board defeats Bear in a Pool – Farmers Insurance, 19-8
Instagram: Got Milk 16, Bear in a Pool 5
Twitter: Bear in a Pool 3, Got Milk 2
Google Form: Got Milk 1, Bear in a Pool 0
Hump Day Camel – Geico defeats Thank You, Mom: 2018 Olympics – Procter & Gamble, 24-6
Instagram: Hump Day 19, Thank You Mom 5
Twitter: Hump Day 4, Thank You Mom 1
Google Form: Hump Day 1, Thank You Mom 0
E-Trade Baby: Shankapotamus – E-Trade defeats MJ vs. Larry Bird – McDonald’s, 17-11
Instagram: Shankapotamus 12, MJ vs. Larry Bird 10
Twitter: Shankapotamus 4, MJ vs. Larry Bird 1
Google Form: Shankapotamus 1, MJ vs. Larry Bird 0
Jake from State Farm – State Farm defeats How Many Licks – Tootsie Pop, 16-13
Instagram: Jake from State Farm 13, How Many Licks 9
Twitter: How Many Licks 4, Jake from State Farm 2
Google Form: Jake from State Farm 1, How Many Licks 0
Where’s the Beef? – Wendy’s defeats The Duck Goes Golfing – Aflac, 14-13
Instagram: Where’s the Beef 12, Aflac Duck Golf 8
Twitter: Aflac Duck Golf 4, Where’s the Beef 2
Google Form: Aflac Duck Golf 1, Where’s the Beef 0