Tournament of Commercials: First Round Voting, Part One

Well, well, well. The Tournament of Commercials is here. It took us a minute. Actually, it took us a few hours. A few hours of making sure we got the right videos for this unprecedented ode to the advertising industry.

If you’d like to watch all the commercials before voting (or at least the ones you don’t know), here’s a link to where you can do that.

If you’d like to buy every product and service advertised after watching these, well—we don’t have a link for that, but we feel the same way.

The bracket is below. We accidentally did not update it to say Tournament of Commercials instead of Supporting TV Characters Bracket, but we will update that tomorrow. Our apologies.

We’ll kick it off old school with voting in the Mean Joe and O-S-C-A-R regions today (voting will last until about 10:00 AM EDT tomorrow—Saturday). Tomorrow, it’s the Pirate Restaurant and Hump Day regions. Sunday, the Second Round. And so forth.

As always, there are three ways to vote:

This Google Form:

Our Instagram story:

This Twitter thread:

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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