Tomorrow: Vegetables

We’re done with (voting on) license plates, which means tomorrow morning, we begin a new bracket. Which one is it? Well…

Someone suggested a tournament of vegetables. We acquiesced. However. We modified it. Instead of a bracket to see which vegetable is best, or even which is worst, we’re doing a bracket to find out which vegetable is the most…just ok. The premise is that you must vote for the one that is the closest to being just a fine vegetable. If you love a vegetable, do not vote for that vegetable. If you hate a vegetable, do not vote for that vegetable.

The bracket’s below so you can prepare. Don’t recognize some of the vegetables? Us either. There were a lot fewer vegetables out there than we thought when we announced this as one of the brackets. And yes. We had to use a loose definition of vegetable.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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