Today’s To-Do List

Can’t forget to do some of these things today, so wanted to make a list. Please excuse my intrusion upon your Internet reading.

  • NASCAR Post
  • Take the MilkTime glasses to the post office
  • Download podcasts for Stuber Eats morning shift
  • Second breakfast
  • Make ginger tea, keep an eye on groin swelling
  • Take Ben to the airport
  • Download podcasts for Stuber Eats evening shift, but check monthly data usage first
  • Request rain from the gig economy fates
  • New Jason Isbell album—is it out or were you just confused yesterday?
  • Old The Killers album—you haven’t been uncontrollably amped in a while
  • Stretch groin, hips, abdomen, shoulders; lament burpee experience
  • Check if IRS accepts Discover Card
  • Apply for Discover Card?
  • No salty snacks today—remember the swelling
  • Have fun
NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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