Things I Like About This Year’s Cubs

I like the Cubs. I really like this year’s Cubs. Here are some things I like about this year’s Cubs:

The Winning

They’re doing a lot of it. It is fun. Hope they keep it up.

Tony Two Chains

Every few minutes for the last eighteen hours I’ve thought about how the chains need to be charged and I have been unable to stop chuckling. I could not sleep last night because of the persistent need to chuckle.

Yu Darvish’s Hair

The full Yu Darvish experience, really, but because I’m more of a radio Cubs fan, I forget about the hair.

David Ross’s Voice

Doesn’t get enough love as a good-voice guy.

Kris Bryant Being Such a Nice Boy

He is just a very nice young man. And I appreciate that.

David Bote Dominating

The 2018 NL Rookie of the Year (as named by All Things NIT), not slowing down.

The Fact I’ve Forgotten About This Offseason

Completely don’t remember it. Seems like it worked out, right?

Bullpen Roulette

Oh yeah. Fun until it isn’t.

Bunch of Other Things Too

But this is just going to turn into me listing eight or nine more players, so no luck.

Oh Yeah and the Magic School Bus Shirts

Can’t forget about those.

Editor’s Note: Pat and Ron were included in this list, but we’ve got Pat and Ron love coming on Sunday in essay form, so rather than make it redundant, we agreed that I would buy NIT Stu three donuts tomorrow morning in exchange for him letting me temporarily monopolize the Pat and Ron love.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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