The Yankee Stadium Cat Revealed Something About the Orioles

As I would hope all of you have heard by now, a cat got on the field at Yankee Stadium last night (video here, I haven’t listened to it so apologies if it’s a cheesy narration of the cat’s internal monologue instead of racecar noises). It was great. One of the better cats on the field. Did a lot of scurrying. A lot of scampering. Tried to scale things it couldn’t scale. Ran through people’s legs. Was a cat. Was such a cat. Doing cat things. On a baseball field. The league should do this once or twice a year, right? Do a big secret draw at the winter meetings about who gets to let a cat loose on the field, or do an auction to see who gets to let the cat loose this time, or hire a gang of cats to every now and then pop up and terrorize a baseball game with rambunctious behavior, or something that makes sure we at least once a year get an entirely unexpected cat running around during a baseball game? Maybe they already do that. Maybe the Yankees won this year.

Anyway, in the Major League Baseball official writeup (same link as above really guys just go watch the video and then finish reading this, it’s only a two-minute video), we learned from Cedric Mullins (who’s really crushing it for the Orioles, by the way, everyone give a little more love to Cedric Mullins please he’s a beast) that the cat had been quietly hanging out in the Orioles’ dugout earlier in the game.

“We saw [the cat] in the dugout earlier in the game, just chilling there, so we let him be. Next thing I know, I heard all the fans cheering. I didn’t know what was going on,” said Orioles outfielder Cedric Mullins. “I didn’t see the cat until he was at the outfield wall. Then it was seeing seven grown men get their ankles broken by a cat. It was pretty funny to watch.”

Excuse me, Cedric. [The cat] was in the dugout? Just chilling there??

The Orioles have to put up with a lot. Plate tectonics, human economic movement, and whatever the hell happened that led to Boston being Boston conspired to leave the O’s in a division with a bunch of big spenders and then the low spender who knows something everyone else doesn’t know and evidently cannot figure out. They have a hard time. But I really underestimated how unflappable this made them. They had a cat in the dugout and they just kept doing their thing. A cat! Cute one, too. I mean especially cute. All cats are cute but that was a handsome lil fella and or lady. And the Orioles just kept on doing their jobs. Nothing to see here. Gonna go play more baseball now. See you later, Mister Kitty Cat. Why is everyone stopping the game? He was just in our dugout. Just doing his thing. Let him be, folks. There is baseball to play here.


NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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