The Senators Got Obliterated Last Night

Well shit.

The Final:

Canucks 7, Senators 1

How It Happened:

Well, the Senators didn’t outhit their opponent, so that’s the first problem. They did get more shots than the Canucks, though, which has me wondering if Matt Murray’s maybe just been playing bad? That or the boys are allowing a lot of easy shots? Breakaways and whatnot? I don’t know. I don’t watch the games. Most of them aren’t on TV and for those that are, I don’t have NHL Network, or at least I don’t have it yet. I just watched the highlights and I mean, it didn’t look like every goal was a breakaway, but I also know so little about The Hockey that I could be mistaken. If someone wants to tell me what’s going on, I would appreciate it, but until then I’m going to keep not reading articles that might tell me while going around saying, “I don’t know. I’d just like to see what…

Oh. I guess they started Marcus Hogberg on Saturday and I just didn’t realize it.

Any Fights?

Yes! Two of them. Austin Watson in both for the Sens. Nothing too exciting, but they were fights.

I should mention here that I missed a fight in Thursday’s game. Oversight on my part. Pretty chaotic little skirmish, with Brady Tkachuk at the heart of it on the Senators’ side throwing some punches with Nate Beaulieu. That one was the best of the year so far. My apologies for missing it previously.


Believe it or not, the Senators are still in last place.

Montreal: 10 points, 6 games played
Toronto: 10 pts, 7 GP
Winnipeg: 8 pts, 6 GP
Edmonton: 6 pts, 7 GP
Vancouver: 6 pts, 8 GP
Calgary: 5 pts, 4 GP

Senators News:

Well, evidently they started Marcus Hogberg on Saturday. But I have neither looked for nor found anything else.

Senators Thoughts:

Could still win the series. Technically speaking.

What’s Next:

Another one in Vancouver. Tomorrow night. Got ‘em good and softened up for it.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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