The Mountain West Means (NIT) Business

The Mountain West just keeps gripping us tighter.

Already holding us forcefully in its thralls, with San Diego State teetering on the edge of NIT glory, Utah State teetering on the edge of NIT catastrophe, Colorado State firmly in the picture, and Boise State trying to drop back in, the league gives us a marquee matchup today, with the Rams (that’s Colorado State) going to Logan (that’s where Utah State’s at). It’s a matchup of massive consequence, for both the NIT and all the universal things the NIT controls (mostly the earth’s electromagnetism). And in January, no less.

Other notes for today:

  • Louisville (Florida State) and UConn (St. John’s) each took a knock at home last night, but was it enough to get either into NIT-land? The answer is probably a no, but Louisville’s got a claim, and their fanbase certainly seems to believe.
  • Big NIT bubble showdown in Stark Vegas, as the SEC’s Mississippi chapter meets, times turning desperate for each.
  • Not to be outdone, the ACC gives us some intrigue, with we-can’t-quit-them Miami going to they-might-quit-us Syracuse.
  • And finally: a Jeff Capel loyalty test? Pitt’s hosting Duke, and for the visitors, the NIT is closer than those mirrors make it look.
NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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