The Heist at the Flying J

I don’t think we’re adequately discussing the heist.

From the Los Angeles Times:

“When experts recall the most notorious jewelry heist in modern history, they talk about the tunneling into Hatton Garden in London or the Antwerp, Belgium, break-in that took months of planning.

Then there is the case of the heist earlier this month at the Flying J truck stop along Interstate 5 in the Grapevine.

In the early hours of July 11, two armed guards left their Brink’s big rig, giving a gang of thieves a 27-minute window to make the huge snatch, its total value still a mystery. Estimates range from $10 million to $100 million.”

The armed guards just walk away from those things? For 27 minutes at a time??

Other highlights from the story:

  • You can evidently find between eight and nine figures lying around at the Flying J.
  • Los Angelinos must be so pissed this didn’t happen within L.A. itself. If you have pride in your city and your city’s a *big* city (so Los Angelinos and New Yorkers need to care about this but Charlestonians do not), you want to be the site of the biggest heist. The Grapevine stealing your thunder? Ouch.
  • The president of the International Gem and Jewelry Show is named Arnold Duke, so good branding on their part. Relatedly: I’m way more interested in gem and jewelry shows now that I know they can be the subject of heists. Are we sure Arnold Duke shouldn’t be a suspect? The motive is clear. My business is worth at least $10 to $100 million.
  • Following a Brink’s truck with intent to rob said Brink’s truck has to provide the biggest adrenaline rush. One time, the summer after high school, my buddy and I were walking back to his house, drunk, and we saw a car and just assumed it was a police car, and that was a rush. We ran all the way back. Almost got sprayed by a skunk behind a megachurch. Watching Top Gun 2? Also a rush. I cannot imagine the excitement for the thieves. And so far they’ve gotten away with it!
  • Maybe inflation has me rattled, or maybe I’ve seen the federal deficit number too often or heard too much about billionaires lately, but I kind of hoped the biggest jewelry heist would get up into the billions. At least multiple hundred million. Crime truly doesn’t pay, I suppose.
  • My impression was that Brink’s trucks were impossible to rob unless you’re reliving the same day over and over again so you know that right after the gust of wind and the dog bark, Felix will make change for Doris and the roll of quarters will drop open and all three of Herman, Felix, and Doris will stoop over to pick them up, freeing you to walk up to the back of the truck, grab both bags, and stroll away into the February morning. This makes them seem a lot more accessible.
NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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