The Founding Fathers Were Bloggers at Heart

The Founding Fathers were very much about writing. They wrote letters, essays, a constitution…lot of words from those guys. Which makes it seem likely that had The Internet™ been around, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson would have been prolific bloggers.

Think about it—people on The Internet™ love to:

  • Complain about the government
  • Propose way-out-there ideas for how things should be done
  • Act anonymously at times, and fully nonymously at other times

You don’t think these guys would have been dueling it out via multiple WordPress accounts after first meeting each other on the anti-King George part of Twitter?

Our nation was founded by bloggers. They just didn’t have the tools they needed to pursue their calling.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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