I’m going to eat lunch here in a bit. A little late today, so I’m feeling hungry. I’m going to have a turkey sandwich.
Which made me ask a question I have never asked before:
What’s the biggest bird we don’t eat?
It took a minute to get the right google search (searching “What’s the biggest bird we don’t eat?” without the quotation marks got me an article about big beaks), but eventually, I landed on a two-tab approach: Wikipedia’s article on big birds (not Big Bird, who I don’t think anyone has eaten and therefore might be another plausible answer to this question?) cued to the extant birds table (collateral learning alert I now know vaguely what extant means) in one tab; Google in the other.
Me: Do people eat Ostrich?
Google: Yes.
Me: Do people eat Cassowary?
Google: Yes.
Me: Do people eat Emu?
Google: Yes.
Me: Oh no.
Google: Ask it.
Me: I don’t want to know.
Google: People don’t really eat Emperor Penguin. Don’t worry. It’s been done before by explorers but it isn’t common or anything.
Me: *sobbing, but relieved*
Thank goodness.