Texas Ideas

I have shared one of these before. But the rest are fresh out of the ol’ brain-oven. Behold. Ideas for Texas:

Texas Time

This is the one I’ve shared before. Basically, everywhere in Texas refers to what time it is as “Texas Time” rather than Central Time or Mountain Time. Press releases, world clocks—you name it. We’re calling it Texas Time. And yes, El Paso will still be an hour behind the rest of the state. There will be two Texas Times. We will not distinguish betwixt the twain.

TexMex but with Every Kind of Food

TexItal. TexAmer. TexInd. TexChi.


No Shitting after 10 PM

This is a big one. I want signs about it at airports. I want this on billboards as you enter the state. Welcome to Texas. No shitting after 10 PM. Of course, we aren’t unreasonable. At 10:30 every night, the ban is lifted. But for that half hour, nobody shits. And if they do, they have to go spend a week in Oklahoma. The penalty box.

Texas Football

Every now and then, refer to the sport of football as “Texas Football.” Just to make people wonder.

Make One Star a Little Bigger on the U.S. Flag

The stars, the stripes, and that one star that’s just a little bit bigger. That’s Texas.

No, we aren’t invading other states to do this. It’s just within Texas.

Send Ambassadors to Other Countries, but Only the Cool Ones

In other words, we’re sending an ambassador to Australia.


More ideas to come, down the line. But let’s get started on these first.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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