Teams don’t want Trevor Bauer because he threw a ball four hundred feet in frustration? Yeah, sure.

Trevor Bauer did this yesterday:

People did this:

What? This makes teams *less* likely to want Trevor Bauer? This gives Cleveland “cover” to trade him?

As though Cleveland could get any “cover” after talking about trading Bauer for the last nine months.

Well, you see, those rumors we never refuted about us trading him that kept going around for about as long as it takes a woman to carry new life to birth were just speculation. But then he threw that ball over a fence and you see he just *had* to go.

Checks out.

On the market-for-Trevor-Bauer side, I don’t know about you, but in today’s MLB, if I need a pitcher, I’m taking the guy capable of throwing the ball out of the ballpark. That’s an impressive throw. Velocity is valuable.

And all of that’s without getting into the marketing value of such a move. While I’m sure there are people who will say they’ll neither attend nor watch a game with Bauer in it now that he’s disrespected the sanctity of the ballpark, I also know those people will secretly watch because they want to get mad at Bauer. Whereas the rest of us are going to be getting seats in center field when he’s pitching in case he does it again.

I get that Trevor Bauer’s polarizing. I know he harassed someone on Twitter last offseason after they chirped at him, which isn’t ok. But this? People are upset about this?

The guy threw a ball really hard. That’s his job. Relax.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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