Tacko Fall continues to dominate the NBA Summer League

You’ve heard what I think of Tacko Fall (if you haven’t, I think he’s awesome, and welcome to this website), but you haven’t heard what The Boston Globe thinks about Fall.

Well, here you go: LINK

In case you’ve used up your limit of free articles this month, here are a few highlights from the piece:

“The summer league crowd has grown attached to Fall, and cheers vigorously each time he does anything. Blocked shot? Ovation. Rebound? Ovation. Jump hook? Bigger ovation. Dunk? Total mayhem.”

“He finished with 12 points, 2 rebounds, a steal, and a block…and he re-entered the game late in the third period and added a layup (raucous applause) and then two free throws (MVP chants).”

Our guy is making waves. And even SportsCenter is starting to take note:

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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