Supporting TV Characters Bracket: Submit Your Nominations

We announced before the Tournament of Pretty Things that our next bracket would be the Supporting TV Characters Bracket, which—if you’re unclear about the concept—will include supporting characters from television shows.

We want the bracket to reflect the tastes of the voting populace, so we’re leaving this wide open to nominations.




Wide open.

And that’s just one of the four regions.

We’ll include a maximum of two characters per show, but submit as many as you want, from as many shows as you want. The only restriction is that you can’t submit lead characters. If you do, we won’t include them in the bracket, and we’ll also be quietly disappointed in you.

Here’s the form to submit nominations:

Thanks, friends.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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