Stu’s Notes: Yeah, But Tell Us About Caleb Kilian’s Vibes

Caleb Kilian might come up and start this weekend for the Cubs, which would be cool because he was traded for Kris Bryant and he could immediately top Kris Bryant’s 2022 production with one good outing, leading us all to stop what we’re doing and solemnly agree, “The Cubs won the trade.”

It’s prospect-debut season for the Cubs, which means it’s prospect-debut era, really. Each debut follows a similar process:

First, we hope that this person will save the Chicago Cubs, carrying us into another new day of winning baseball games and having fun and sitting in the sunshine feeling wonderful about the world.

Second, we check if this person is even on any prospect ranking lists.

Third (and this only happens if they’re on any rankings), we find out their vibes.

Sometimes, the vibes are immediately and evidently great. Christopher Morel? Vibe train. Sometimes, they’re not as good. Remember that Greg Deichmann dude? I wonder if he’s still in the organization. No problem with him, but compared to Morel? Absence of vibes.

It doesn’t appear Caleb Kilian has a Wikipedia page, which is probably a good sign. Usually, if an ascendant AAA pitcher has a Wikipedia page, they were a child…oh hey, Caleb Kilian went to Texas Tech.

That’s a good sign.

That’s a really good sign.

Texas Tech is due to break through in the sporting world. Their vibes are strong, they’re fun and terrifying right now (instead of just terrifying), they’re kind of great in all the money sports? Well, they’re decent enough to not be embarrassing in football and their basketball program’s electric. Also, baseball is good. Think they’re playing right now, if that push notification wasn’t lying to me.

It does appear Kilian was born in Anaheim, but again, no Wikipedia page, so probably wasn’t on Disney Channel. Went to high school in Flower Mound, which might be a really nice suburb of Dallas (it’s close to Southlake, sorry I can’t be bothered to know Dallas suburbs yet) but, hey, he went to Tech.

Good sign. More to come, but good signs so far.

The NIT Means Something

The haters tried to pass off Steph Curry and Klay Thompson’s comparative NIT struggles (comparative to those of Juwan Morgan and Derrick White) as insignificant. Derrick White taught them a lesson, and hopefully everyone now remembers that you don’t bet against a guy who once scored 30 points in the NIT First Round against a Tacko Fall-led and Final Four-bound UCF team.

The Oilers Are Not Doing Their Part

I’m starting to think that the Oilers aren’t going to beat the Avalanche. Why’s that? Well, the Oilers haven’t beaten the Avalanche.

It’s an old saying, but it’s a true one: You don’t want to lose Game 2, on the road, getting shut out by your opponent’s backup goalie, in a series you already trail.

Lot of pressure on the Rangers to save America right now.

NASCAR Goes Downstate

I drove past Gateway a couple weeks ago, there outside St. Louis on the Illinois side of the river, and while others are wondering how Cup cars will race on the new-to-them track, I’m more interested in why the thing was built in Illinois and not Missouri. The conventional wisdom back home is that if you can avoid it, you should take on no effort in private enterprise in the land of Mike Madigan (his work, for better or worse, outlives him). Which then makes me assume something corrupt happened. I hope there’s a huge story I just missed and that any NASCAR fans reading this are thinking I’m a fraud. Am I a fraud? Maybe. But maybe it takes a fraud to find the fraud at Gateway. Ever think of that?

IndyCar Goes to Detroit

In what must be exhausting for these guys, IndyCar is actually racing on back-to-back weekends for once. They’re at that park in Detroit. You know. The one with the fountain? No, I think Long Beach just has a big statue with flowers around it. Might be wrong, though.

College Baseball Comes to Austin

I mean, I guess it was already here, but yeah, Texas is hosting a Regional this weekend. Louisiana Tech’s in town, Dallas Baptist’s in town, Air Force is in town…good crew. Does Dallas Baptist travel well for baseball? Do they have a fanbase? Because they’re a pretty solid program, right?

Am I into it? I’d say so, but I’m more a Texas softball fan, personally, as we covered yesterday when I discovered they’d won their first game in…is the Women’s College World Series in Oklahoma City? That’s where it is, right?

Will Burnley Get Paid?

How come when anybody else gets money we all say, “Yeah! Get that money!” But when a Premier League team gets relegated and has to sell off players, we get all sad? I, for one, applaud Burnley for their ability getting themselves some coin. Serious coin, at that. Unless I’m out of date on my conversion rates and the pound is worthless against the dollar.


In a bit of a hurry, so no weekend viewing schedule. We’ll trust you all to use TV Guide, The Internet™, and the guiding light of God. Best of luck out there.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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