Stu’s Notes: The White Sox’ Front Office Loves Pretending to Contend

The White Sox are so funny.

“No, really! We were trying to trade for Ohtani!”

*makes one tiny trade at the deadline*

To explain this to the Burnley fans in the room, what the White Sox did here was find a very difficult-to-obtain player, make some sort of offer for him, have that offer (predictably) declined, then toss that out to their fans as “proof” that they “want to win.” Meanwhile, the Twins, who actually want to win, went out and got Tyler Mahle and others, just like they looked at the mediocrity around them this offseason and went out and signed Carlos Correa.

It’s reminiscent of one of the first blog posts written after we switched to this site from our old home of All Things NIT. In that post, we celebrated the White Sox’ valiant (and largely successful) attempt to convince their fans that they’d tried to sign prize free agent Manny Machado. Of course, they hadn’t really tried very hard to sign him. They’d tried a little, maybe, but their offer came in way below that of the Padres, who actually signed the guy. Now, they’ve done the same thing with Ohtani, but this time, the fanbase doesn’t seem to be buying it. Which is good. Having seen White Sox fans come around on Joe Kelly, I’m convinced many are good at heart. They deserve better than this.

Keeping Contreras Was…Mean?

One of the weirdest things, to me, is how everyone went from saying the Cubs were monsters for trying to trade Willson Contreras to saying they’re crazy not to trade him. Lot of having-it-both-ways. Yes, the attempted trade was grueling emotionally, and many—including we—were pissed at the Ricketts Regime’s approach to good, well-loved players. But wasn’t the proper response to our response to not settle for a mediocre return? To leave the door open to extending the guy? To at least give him the choice on whether to sign somewhere else?

Haters be hatin’.


More tomorrow, or so we say right now. Viewing schedule for tonight:

7:45 PM EDT: Cubs @ Cardinals (MLB TV)

The Cardinals have to be on their heels right now. Cubs are coming out hot.

8:10 PM EDT: Royals @ White Sox (MLB TV)

The Royals also have to be on their heels right now, but only because they dodged having to face Joe Kelly yesterday. Good luck being so fortunate tonight, you group of blue men.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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