Stu’s Notes: Michael Oher Got the Britney Spears Treatment

Conservatorships are having a bad time right now.

Less than two years after Britney Spears’s conservatorship was terminated, Michael Oher—subject of “The Blind Side”—has filed a petition in a Tennessee court saying that Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, the couple he thought adopted him as a high schooler, actually deceived him and got him to sign himself over into a conservatorship at the age of eighteen. The complaint alleges that the Tuohys made millions of dollars off of this conservatorship.

This isn’t the first time Oher’s made these allegations, though last time, they came in an indirect way. In his 2011 memoir, he wrote, “(The Tuohys) explained to me that (conservatorship) means pretty much the exact same thing as ‘adoptive parents,’ but that the laws were just written in a way that took my age into account.”

ESPN has the full story. It’s weird and it’s sad. Makes you wonder what else Hollywood’s maybe been lying to us about. What if the Bears were Good News this whole time?

Ángel Hernández Made the Wrong Call

Ángel Hernández, widely recognized as one of Major League Baseball’s worst umpires, has now struck out in court, with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling this morning that, just as a district court ruled in 2021, his claims lack sufficient evidence. Those claims, to refresh, are that MLB discriminated against him by not making him a crew chief or letting him ump the World Series. The court said MLB shared persuasive statistical evidence that it wasn’t racially discriminating, and that Hernández did not share persuasive statistical evidence that they were. It did not clarify how in the world MLB has let a guy it clearly knows is bad at his job to continue to do that job for this long. Is this a union thing?

I’m Worried About Joe Kelly

On the one hand, Joe Kelly reportedly told Dave Roberts he’s good to keep pitching, even with nagging elbow inflammation. On the other hand, people have referred to this as forearm inflammation, and anything involving the word “forearm” has ominous tones of Tommy John. So, make sure you’re building good karma, friends. Don’t do anything that could risk us losing Joe Kelly for a whole year. Maybe buy an old lady an umbrella today. I hate those, but old ladies love ‘em.

Australia Spied on England

I am missing some cricket knowledge here.

The Daily Telegraph, an Australian newspaper, used a helicopter to take pictures it then published of England’s practice ahead of the two nations meeting in the Women’s World Cup this week. From the article: “It might not be in the spirit of football, but after last month’s men’s Ashes cricket series we will let the moral arbiters England pass judgement on what is and isn’t acceptable in the world of sport.”

We’ll have to follow up about the Ashes, but I will say this: It’s refreshing that someone is taking clandestine photos of female athletes for non-pervy reasons. This is progress.

Aaron Rodgers (Interception)

What a tweet:

We do not want Aaron Rodgers to be injured, we do not even dislike Aaron Rodgers. But. As hundreds have dutifully pointed out, the Packers get a first-round pick if he plays 65% of snaps this year. Second-round if it’s 64% or fewer. So, get that good calf good again, buddy. Maybe rub it with some fungi. I would imagine that’s something you’re considering.

Anthony Richardson Is Unprepared

After being named the Colts’ starting quarterback, Anthony Richardson said, “Honestly, I was shocked.”

Oh, really, Anthony? You weren’t ready for this? You don’t believe in yourself? Or do you just think your coaches are idiots?

Bad sign for Indianapolis. Gotta clean those vibes up before the NIT gets there. Jim Irsay, call me if you need help. I’ve been meaning to get in touch with you anyway.

Trilly Donovan Is a Mark Titus Fan

C.J. Moore wrote a fun profile of Trilly Donovan over at The Athletic, and evidently the “Trilly” in the name is an homage to Club Trillion, which I had not put together. I thought it was referencing the word Trill, like with Trill Withers or Trillballins. Do I know what Trill means? Not entirely. Could be short for trillion, am also seeing it could be a portmanteau of true and real. It’s one of those things I’m embarrassed to ask. Here, though, I need not ask. Here, it’s a Mark Titus reference.

Trilly Donovan, for those unfamiliar, is a Twitter account with a lot of good college basketball scoops. Its most famous ones are nailing some coaching carousel moves and accurately forecasting that Caleb Love could have trouble getting admitted to Michigan, because certain UNC classes don’t count at even the third-ranked state school in the country. Not many people know who runs the account, including ourselves and Moore. But we do now know that whoever it is likes Mark Titus.

The Mavs Signed Greg Brown (and Jelly Walker!)

Two favorites signed with the Mavericks yesterday, Greg Brown III (former Stuber Eats customer—didn’t tip but that proves Shaka Smart didn’t drop a bag), and Jelly Walker (good interview, as everybody was at the NIT Final Four). Also? Joe Wieskamp signed with them. Good for Wieskamp to get his name out there, drafting off two of the most fun college basketball players of the last four years.

Say what you will about Greg Brown, but he was fun. He played with a ton of energy, and he didn’t have all his emotions in check, and that was what you wanted from a freshman with NBA dreams. A lot of Texas fans are disappointed in him for not propelling them to an Elite Eight loss like their heroes do, but the guy was fun. Some issues, yes. But fun! Do you not like fun???

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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One thought on “Stu’s Notes: Michael Oher Got the Britney Spears Treatment

  1. You know yesterday I went through the jury duty process and wouldn’t you know one of the disqualifying factors to being a juror is if you have a conservatorship placed over you. I’m not sure Financial control is worth having to occasionally go in for jury service

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