Stu’s Notes: College Football’s NIT Takes a Hit

Oh boy. It’s not just the OG NIT.

A Gator Bowl in Peril

Texas A&M has bowed out of one of the three games (Gator Bowl, Sun Bowl, Citrus Bowl) which compete for the title of college football’s NIT, citing a Covid outbreak and injuries. Are they ducking Wake Forest? Are they scared of the greatness of anything even peripherally associated with the NIT? Do they not want to enter a stadium with vibes as bad as those Urban Meyer left around TIAA Bank Field? It’s unclear, and we’ll take them at their word, but as of right now, the Citrus Bowl is in the NIT race lead with the Gator Bowl maybe not happening and the Sun Bowl not featuring NIT-caliber teams.

The NHL Is Also Stopped

This explains why there aren’t any Senators games until after Christmas. Missed this yesterday. No Olympics for NHL players, too, which is too bad for the world, which won’t get to hear me roar after Thomas Chabot gets snubbed from Team Canada.

The NIT Loss Game: Alabama

In games that are happening…

It’s a habit, when a team’s struggling, to say any bad loss puts them in NIT territory. Part of our job is to add a little truth to these narratives. It’s a two-part process, and we’ll demonstrate it here with Alabama’s loss last night to Davidson:

Does this help their NIT chances?

Yes. It’s a neutral-court loss, technically, so it isn’t as bad as it could be, but it certainly helps their NIT chances. This was a surprising loss.

Are the Tide in NIT territory?

No. But they’re closer than you may think.

The NIT Win Game: Davidson

Ok this isn’t actually a game but Davidson’s got enough ahead of them that it’s hard to say right now whether this helps or hurts their shot. They’re right there, could go either way, too early to say with much confidence. You do you for now, Bob McKillop. (Side note: How is Bob McKillop only 71 years old? I mean yes, he looks younger, but the man has been coaching Davidson since the Bush administration, and I’m not talking about W).

Shaka Smart’s Comeback Script Is Writing Itself

Marquette lost to UConn last night, and all the better, folks. Don’t want expectations too high for our guy. Much easier to exceed them this way.

Chris Beard: Shapeshifter

Went into this in Bevo’s Fake Nuts today, but the sparknotes are that Chris Beard’s transformation from grit king to Instagram king demonstrates what he’s capable of (take note, Kentucky and NBA fans).


Tonight’s viewing schedule, for the NIT fans (all times Texas time):

  • 6:00 PM: Clemson @ Virginia (ACCN)
  • 7:00 PM: Boise State vs. Washington State in Spokane (Pac-12 Networks)
  • 9:00 PM: Missouri State @ Saint Mary’s (Unknown)

All six teams are in the NIT conversation, and one of these games is in the greatest city in Washington. What a NITe. Vibing through it all.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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