A Friend of the Blog (thanks, Will!) alerted us this morning to a troubling trend over in England:

Yikes! That’s the name of the devil!
Before we get any further, no, I don’t believe a man named Harry Wallop is real, this must be a fictional caricature of a British man used for laughs on the website twitter dot com. With that established…
Yikes! That’s the name of the devil!
I did not expect our Burnley fandom to gain us immediate traction overseas, but I’m surprised we’re now less popular than the prince of demons. Still, always one to compromise, I have a suggestion, to help bridge the divide.
Lucifer. Fire guy. Man who made robocalls. Come write a guest column on the blog. Topic of your choice. Importance of wasps? Necessity of texting while driving? Why nuclear war wouldn’t be so bad? Anything you want, you can write about it here.
As for your byline:
We’ll split the difference. We’ll call you Stucifer.
Spelling correction—why have parents overtaken YOUTH sports?
And why is auto correct often unable to read my mind?
I hope Lucifer takes this offer from the Barking Crow! Other possible topics for the demon:
Why have parents overtaken your sports?
Who is holding Mrs Maisal captive, and why hasn’t she returned for another season?
Why do the other 49 states acquiesce to Illinois’ number one spot on the list of least fiscally sound states? Like Alabama football, this is getting boring. Where are the challengers?