States In Order of How Likely They Are to Produce a 26-Year-Old Man Who Wears Boxers Around the House During the Workday

One of my friends just moved, and moved in with a friend of his I don’t know well at all, and I’ve since been hearing all sorts of great things about this guy who looked rather unassuming, and one of the more mild but humorous ones is that he wears his boxers around the house all the time during the workday.

It’s a harmless thing. It’s a comfortable thing. But it’s also kind of a funny move, especially when you have a roommate or roommates, and especially when you’re 26. You’ve gotta be really comfortable, I’d imagine, because it’s an old man move. Lot of respect for it.

Anyway, the guy’s from Arizona and when I learned that and the boxer thing I said, “That makes sense,” and here are the fifty states ordered by how likely they seem to produce a 26-year-old dude who wears his boxers around the house during the workday:

  • Arizona – This has to be number one, right? The same way the state’s education system was like, “Ehh, I bet we can get pretty far by just making our schools a ton of fun,” and then it worked and now Arizona and ASU are decent schools? This state has a lot of 26-year-old dude who wears his boxers around the house during the workday energy.
  • Nevada – Arizona junior
  • New Hampshire – but as a statement
  • Rhode Island – because they think everyone does
  • West Virginia – because it seems practical
  • New Jersey – not all of them, but a lot of them
  • California
  • Delaware – sneaky South Jersey
  • Montana – just trying to be comfortable
  • Kentucky
  • Tennessee
  • Utah – but in a weird way
  • Maine
  • Oregon
  • Vermont
  • Indiana
  • Missouri
  • Ohio
  • Arkansas
  • Alabama
  • Louisiana
  • Georgia – there are parts that would
  • Florida – there are parts that would and those parts are suspiciously similar to Arizona
  • Oklahoma – hot enough to justify it
  • Pennsylvania
  • Michigan
  • Idaho
  • Wisconsin
  • Illinois
  • Colorado
  • Maryland
  • New Mexico
  • Alaska
  • Washington
  • Minnesota
  • Connecticut
  • Iowa
  • North Carolina
  • Kansas
  • Wyoming – no because wearing pants
  • South Dakota – no because also pants
  • North Dakota – no, pants
  • Nebraska
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Hawaii
  • Massachusetts – because there’s a divide in Massachusetts and the people who would aren’t working white-collar jobs that let them work from home
  • New York – and they would have a strong opinion on the matter
  • Mississippi
  • South Carolina – kind of like New York, when you think about it
NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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