State Flags That Don’t Glorify Slavery Bracket II: First Round Voting

Remember: Most of the good ones got byes.

Today we begin State Flags That Don’t Glorify Slavery Bracket II. It’s a thrilling time, in which the 45 state flags that have managed to not honor the institution of slavery go head-to-head. Last year, California won. This year, who knows who might take the crown?

Some links:

  • If you want to know why we chose to exclude the flags we did, click here.
  • If you want to look closely at all the flags, click here.
  • If you want to check our image credits, click here.

We’ll start today with the First Round, hoping to finish the Round of 16 on Friday before taking Saturday and Sunday off of voting. As always, there are three way to vote. As always, be cool.

First Round voting starts now and will last until about 10:45 AM EDT tomorrow (Thursday). Second Round voting will follow.

The three ways to vote:

This Google Form (be cool):

Our Instagram story (be cool):

This Twitter thread (be cool):

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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