State Flags Bracket III: Second Round Voting

Good flags yesterday. Great flags today.

Two quick things:

As always, there are three ways to vote. As always, please be cool, which means: Please don’t spam the votes.

The Google Form (be cool):

Our Instagram stories:

This Twitter thread:

Voting will last until about 5:15 AM EDT tomorrow morning (Saturday). Round of 16 voting is currently scheduled for Monday.

Results from yesterday:

Minnesota 24, Nevada 23

Instagram: 19-16
Twitter: 4-4
Google Form: 1-3

South Dakota 25, West Virginia 23

I: 21-14
T: 2-7
G: 2-2

Kansas 34, Delaware 14

I: 25-11
T: 5-3
G: 4-0

North Carolina 28, Massachusetts 20

I: 19-17
T: 5-3
G: 4-0

Indiana 35, Maine 12

I: 22-12
T: 9-0
G: 4-0

Utah 33, New Jersey 14

I: 24-11
T: 5-3
G: 4-0

Michigan 37, North Dakota 11

I: 28-8
T: 6-2
G: 3-1

Iowa 29, New York 19

I: 22-14
T: 5-3
G: 2-2

New Hampshire 33, Kentucky 15

I: 24-12
T: 6-2
G: 3-1

Nebraska 26, Wisconsin 23

I: 19-17
T: 5-4
G: 2-2

Vermont 25, Pennsylvania 22

I: 18-17
T: 5-3
G: 2-2

Virginia 29, Idaho 18

I: 21-14
T: 6-2
G: 2-2

Hawaii 29, Missouri 21

I: 18-17
T: 8-3
G: 3-1

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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