It’s time to vote again, dear friends, and specifically, it’s time to vote again on state flags.
A few bits of housekeeping before we dig in:
- We’re doing something new this bracket where you can predict how it turns out, and your prediction can compete against other predictions to see who’s the best State Flags Bracket III predictor in the universe (or at least in our universe). Fun stuff. Details can be found at this link. We’ll be accepting entries until late tonight, even with voting today.
- Here’s where the five flags that didn’t make the bracket went.
With that out of the way, it’s time to vote. As always, there are three ways to vote. As always, please be cool, which means: Please don’t spam the votes.
The Google Form (be cool):
Our Instagram stories:
This Twitter thread:
Voting will last until about 2:30 AM EDT tonight, so technically 2:30 AM EDT Friday morning. Enjoy. And please remember that these are the preliminary flags so necessarily the less cool ones. Great flags tomorrow in the second round. We swear.