Shaka Smart’s Statement from Today:

Shaka Smart released a statement today regarding the death of George Floyd, calling attention to racism’s ubiquitous impact in American society while listing specific organizations to support in the effort to “come together and create lasting change.”

Smart, for those who don’t know, graduated magna cum laude from Kenyon College with a degree in history, writing an honors thesis on the Great Migration. He holds a master’s degree in social science from California University of Pennsylvania, where he began his coaching career as a graduate assistant. Smart holds a degree of expertise on American history that far exceeds our knowledge at The Barking Crow, and likely exceeds that of a large majority—if not the entirety—of our readership. Here is the statement:

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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