Purdue Is Lying About Its Drum

The dishonesty here.

From the Indy Star, in 2013:

…There’s a lot of competition for the title of “World’s Largest Drum,” which probably explains why Purdue keeps the actual dimensions under its hat, er, shiny steel helmet.

A few drums in Asia and Europe easily tower over the Boilermakers’ drum, with the Guinness World Record holder in South Korea measuring in at a diameter of 18 feet 2 inches. Even the naked eye can see Purdue’s drum doesn’t come close.

Wereley calculated the drum’s diameter to be 7 feet 5 inches. He estimated the width to be 3 feet 10 inches. While he couldn’t be completely sure of his accuracy, he estimated his calculations were correct within inches.

Even with a margin for error, that’s smaller than the size of the University of Texas and University of Missouri drums. Purdue’s claim to possess the “World’s Largest Drum” was starting to look like what politicians delicately like to call a “stranger to the truth.”

Starting to wonder a little bit more now about the moon landing.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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