Pulice and the Police

There’s a construction contractor here in Central Texas named Pulice, and its logo looks a lot like a logo for a police department. This often distracts me when I pass one of Pulice’s equipment yards, north of Austin off I-35. I see it and do a double take, thinking the police misspelled “police.”

Normally, I would assume that the resemblance was the intent. When I was 13, I had a Hotmail account, and one day I accidentally typed in homtail-dot-com. I was taken to the website of an escort service. This is how I learned that “escort” is another name for a prostitute. The front page of the website made that clear. But after seeing a big traffic cone with PULICE on it this morning, and not being sure if it was one of Pulice’s or if the top of the O had just rubbed off, I googled “Pulice.”

These guys were founded in 1956.

They didn’t have typos in 1956.

(I know, I know, they did. But they didn’t have typo-driven search engine traffic.)

My best guess is that somebody’s name was once Pulice. That’s the only thing that makes sense, right? There’s no way a construction firm would disguise themselves as officers of the law in 1956? The only other reason I can surmise is that they thought people would be less likely to leave buttprints in their wet concrete if the would-be buttprinters thought the caution signs were put there by the police.

I still don’t get why they’d make the logo that confusing, though. Not sure what purpose that serves. Maybe they just thought it looked cool? It does kind of look cool. Police logos can get you going. There’s a reason Paw Patrol plays.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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