Please Let This Javy Báez Thing Rekindle the Cubs-Mets Rivalry

Ok, so this got a little plot twist just now with Javy Báez scoring the winning run in this afternoon’s Mets/Marlins game, but still…Mets fans and Javy Báez are not doing well together right now.

That could be fun down the line.

There’s a universe in which Báez comes back to the Cubs this winter. There’s also a universe in which Báez doesn’t, but he also leaves the Mets, and Cubs fans just hate the Mets anyway. This is arguably my favorite scenario. I’d love to have Javy back in the fold, but the hilarity of a rivalry rekindling a bit because the Cubs traded a fan favorite and he was not a Mets fan favorite is too much to pass up. I like to envision myself, twenty years from now, cussing my ever-living head off at a Mets right fielder from the bleachers of a Spring Training game and then having my twelve-year-old ask me, “Dad, why don’t we like the Mets again?” and explaining to them that Javy Báez, innovator that he was, once figured out a way to boo the fans back.

I’m ready for you, Long Islanders.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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