Places It Would Be Funny for NASA to Try and Colonize


Uhh hey NASA, Jupiter’s made of gas, idiots.

Death Valley National Park

NASA! You dummies. Death Valley is on this planet. You don’t get to colonize things on this planet. That’s Europe’s job.

Creighton University

Again, on this planet, but I support this for the imagery of a rocketship touching down in Omaha.


Dude. NASA. Star Wars was fictional.

The CIA’s Heart

Oh come on, NASA. We know about your little crush, but don’t use that kind of language on the Valentine’s card. They might try to stage a coup!


Ooh, a meta-colonization. Not sure how this would work but feel like it could be a really big buildup to a press release and then quite the letdown. In other words: I’m on board.


This would be good because an anthropomorphized NASA could say, “Houston, *you* have a problem. It’s us.”

Sea World


NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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