Party Instructions for NIT Fans

Remember, NIT fans: The next time you’re at a party and someone puts on “O.P.P” by Naughty By Nature, be sure to change the iconic chorus to…

Call: You down with NIT?
Response: Yeah, you know me!
Call: You down with NIT?
Response: Yeah, you know me!
Call: You down with NIT?
Response: Yeah, you know me!
Call: Who’s down with NIT?
Response: Every last homie/All the ladies/This whole party! (depends what verse and what cycle through the chorus you’re on)

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
Posts created 3790

One thought on “Party Instructions for NIT Fans

  1. i go to NIT parties for the money and the women.
    i stay for the intense discussions about whether or not x coach will be let go this year.
    i always argue that they should be let go.
    embrace entropy. fire your coaches.

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