Our Next Bracket: Cult Potential

The Bangers Bracket isn’t exactly winding down (these are bangers, after all), but it’s getting close to its conclusion. What comes next?


Well, not real cults, necessarily. What we’re looking for is cult leaders, and specifically people with high cult leader potential. We’re talking about Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, and Blippi, people who—regardless of whether you think or suspect they already run a cult—could run one hell of a cult.

How this will work: In each matchup, we’ll ask who could build the most potent cult. It’ll be fun? First, though, we need to set the field.

Please, through this form, nominate candidates whom you think could build a really potent cult. We’ll put the 64 best into a bracket and begin voting on it next week.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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