Our Brackets Are Returning (and We Want Your Help)

Last summer, we had a lot of fun with brackets. You helped construct them. You voted on them. Various things advanced to various championship votes on Instagram, Twitter, and our site, and we all learned a lot about each other in the process.

They’re coming back.

On March 15th, we’ll be rolling out most of our brackets for the summer. On April 7th, we’ll start voting on the first one. The brackets will again run from the end of college basketball until the beginning of college football, and we’ll be asking you to vote on all of them (that you want to—we won’t get too pushy about it).

We have a few brackets already decided upon: We’ll be doing License Plates again, and State Flags That Don’t Glorify Slavery, and something like 90’s Bangers but for the 2000’s, and of course the Bracket Bracket and the Tournament of Champions at the end. I think we’ll even do Green Things, so that we can see Shrek square off against American paper currency.

But we want your help in filling out the rest of this year’s setlist.

So please, fill out this form with any suggestions you might have. The deadline is March 4th. And for reference, here are the brackets we did last year:

Thank you.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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