One Piece of Certainty for The Dodgers’ Bullpen

Last night wasn’t great for the Dodgers bullpen. Their team lost, and fingers were pointed at them. They might figure it out, of course—they’ve got about two weeks before the playoffs, they have a lot of great pieces (including some starters), and they’ll more likely than not be in the preferred position of protecting leads for much of October rather than keeping deficits small. Still, it’s nice to have some certainty, so here you guys go:

Joe Kelly’s going to throw gas.

There it is. There is your certainty.

There are many unknowns in this world. It’s abundant with uncertainty. But no matter which way the winds blow—should skies fill with rain or brandish snow—through trials on Earth, and Hell below—we’ll fight the fire with throws by Joe.

99 mph last night on his only fastball. He did give up a base hit that broke a tie. But that doesn’t count on his ERA and the next guy grounded out “softly”—the MLB’s word, not mine (but also mine).

Put your trust in velocity. Put your trust in the velocity of Joe Kelly.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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