Ohio Facts

Inspired by yesterday’s Ohio license plate review, things I know about Ohio:

  • There are a lot of FBS football teams there. Seems like it might be the most per capita of any state. Ohio. Ohio State. Akron. Toledo. Bowling Green. Miami. Cincinnati! Kent State? Others? Am I missing some? I hope I’m missing one it would be insulting to miss. I always hope I’m accidentally insulting someone.
  • There’s a good D-III football team there named Mount Union that won a bunch of championships in a row. Think Matt Campbell has a tie to Mount Union (I am fact-checking none of this, as a challenge to both myself and Ohio).
  • Youngstown State, an FCS team in the state, is named the Penguins.
  • The only NFL teams with orange helmets (even just as a background color) play in Ohio.
  • Guy Fieri, of course, is from Columbus.
  • There’s a national park in Ohio and it’s supposed to be a good one and I recently met someone who used to live inside the park! Wild. In a house and all that, but still.
  • Columbus is home to the headquarters of both Wendy’s and Abercrombie & Fitch, and I think that really captures Ohio well.
NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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